Welcome to The Silk Cafe. We hope you have had a chance to browse our collections.
This all began with a curiosity. I was curious to see what some of my favorite 20th Century art pieces would look like on silk. I did a test scarf. When it arrived I was so excited by the beauty of the silk that I wanted to do more with it. I searched many galleries to find the art that I wanted to use. The posters from the early 20th Century are particularly fascinating.
I put the art on my design tool and did the scarf designs. They are then sent out for a test print to make sure the resolution is adequate to show the detail. One of the advantages of our shop is we can make custom changes to the artwork. (We do not make any changes to copyrighted artwork). But we can help you coordinate your outfit by creating a scarf with the balance of color to convey the feeling you want.
The Silk Cafe aims to bring you the highest quality possible in a luxury silk scarf. It aims to bring confidence to women who think they can’t tie a silk scarf. I was one of them.
My background is in architecture. Being in the drafting room and going to the construction site, I didn’t need to dress fashionably. But now I love fashion. I get out my scarves and tie them every imaginable way.
I got my design training at Stanford University and the University of California Los Angeles School of Architecture. Designing silk scarves, learning how to tie them, and selecting exclusive scarves for you has been an exhilarating adventure.
Don't miss a scarf. Click ALL COLLECTIONS
Happy shopping.
Carol Limahelu
At the Silk Cafe everything is made to order so there is no waste in keeping inventory. The printing company also only uses the materials necessary to fill an order and no more.
Since everything is made in one facility, shipping is kept to a minimum. The only shipping involved is the shipping to you. The printing process is sustainable. Very little water is used and ink is carefully disposed of so nothing leaks into the environment.
Being a natural fiber, silk is highly sustainable. It can be recycled. It will not shed microfibers into the landfill. A silk scarf, the original wearable art, lasts forever, doesn’t go out of style and you will be well dressed.